
BACK TO ASIA. // 30 before 30.

September 2011, Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam; the exact moment I fell in love with Southeast Asia. I stepped into that impossibly humid air, it smelled like a mix of incense and chili sauce, I was told to take off my shoes, and I knew I would spend the rest of my life coming back here.

People often ask me where has been my favorite place I've travelled to. My answer is always Asia, and when they ask why, I can't usually give a straight answer. "You just have to go and see." is the best I can come up with. It's a feeling then any one particular thing.

Except this trip was the elephants. Definitely the elephants. Best damn day of my life.


Anonymous said...

Perfect, naturals photos! I love your blog :)

Anonymous said...


Danielle said...

I SERIOUSLY want to go with you somewhere on vacation. You made Asia seem so amazing- and I know that Beijing is different than the rest of Asia, but I just wasn't a fan of it (maybe under circumstances). :/ Things like THIS, though... you just make it look amazing and I think it would be if I went with you. haha

Sarah Lasker said...

you would LOVE southeast Asia. it's completely different than China - I'm always always game to go back! :)

Anonymous said...

I know you and Lauren Keeler are friends but she's totally in love in your photos and videos. Her EVERYTHING is almost the same.