
The one where we go to Hawaii and tell cancer and our livers to suck it.

Do you know how many different kinds of Mai Tais there are in Maui?! A lot. Let's just say I tried them all and they are all goooood. Proof of that later.

August 3rd - iphone to iphone:
Jessie: Mom and Lonnie are renewing their vows in Maui and offered to pay for me. what?!

Me: If you don't go I will murder you in your sleep.

Jessie: Mom wants you to go too and take pictures. Think about it.

Me: Don't EVEN tempt me with the H word.

Jessie: Want to go to Hawaii? 

Me: uh...hell yes?!
That about sums up the conversation about how I got to go to Hawaii. I pretty much told work I wasn't going to be there Sept. 23rd - Sept. 26th, whether they liked it or not, and I booked my ticket the next day.

Hawaii has always been on my list of places I want to/have to/need to go, and just like that I was going in a month and a half with some of my most favorite people in the entire world. :)

Unfortunately we found out some pretty crappy news right before we left, but we decided that there is no such thing as cancer in the magical land of Maui and if we got sad we would just suppress it with jager and rum because, that's what normal, healthy, well-adjusted people do. I think.

Thursday finally came and we were off! Six hours later, and Kari sadly only coming apparently *this* close to losing it (I really would have liked to see that), we were there. We picked up our amazing blue rental mini-van, drove to the other side of the island, and checked into our hotel just in time to take a walk on the beach and see our first Hawaiian sunset. It didn't disappoint.

The rest of the night involved my first taste of the best fish tacos (taco?) I've ever had and consuming Mai Tais 1 through 4. ie:

The next day was Friday and Wedding Day! We spent the entire morning/afternoon at the beach, which I apparently didn't take a single picture of, weird, and then it was off to another little private beach for the ceremony. :)
Afterwards we went to Mulligans for some authentic Irish...Hawaiian food. :) Before our reservation we took some bride/groom and family pictures:
And then we did a lot of this:
Which led to these gems:

Mom. Scale of 0-10. How proud of me are you right now? 10? Thought so.

Saturday we spent here. Love.

After all morning at the beach we all were getting prrretty thirsty, and lucky for us it also happened to be happy hour! We had some rum therapy, took pictures, I discovered the most delicious drink of all time, and we tried to see how many umbrellas it was physically possible to put in your hair. I think I topped off with four.

One of my favorite pictures I've ever taken:

Saturday night we went to a Luau. In Maui. Check that one off the life list. :) We got leis, endless supplies of mai tais and blue hawaiians, five courses of amazing food, watched hula and crazy fire dancers, all while watching a gorgeous sunset. Perfection.
The funniest part of the night was when this lovely couple got us IN TROUBLE for being too loud when we actually were really on our best behaviors! :) 

The next day was Sunday and the day we were leaving. But not until 10pm so we watched football, lounged around, and went shopping at Whalers Village. I might have bought a ten dollar ukulele and sang and played Bob Marley songs all day. :) I use the term "play" very loosly.

Back at the hotel I walked around and took some shots with my Blackbird, fly. Hawaii on film. YES PLEASE. 

Everything about Hawaii was amazing. It was the perfect break from reality we all needed. Especially Jessie my love who has to give cancer a swift kick in the face again. I have no doubt that's exactly what she'll do, but it's never an easy thing, no matter how long you've been forced to do it. 

Shout out to Mama Fran, Lonnifer, and Las Vegas drive-thru weddings for making this all possible. ;)


Danielle said...

Great photos, as always.

And, I'll be sending Jessie good vibes...

Sarah Lasker said...

thank you :)